A beautiful mess.
Fernanda Lima Fernanda Lima

A beautiful mess.

There's something about a mum breastfeeding their babies that I can't help but admire and photograph. Specially with twins. It's a moment that can't be posed. That has the most beautiful aspect of nature right there. It is love and connection in its purest forms. There are tiny feet and hands everywhere, pulling mum's hair, playing with her necklace, little eyes falling asleep with a satisfied look and the mum is just there, doing what she does best: nurturing babies with milk and care. A beautiful, beautiful mess.

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Sobre encontrar paz no desconforto
Fernanda Lima Fernanda Lima

Sobre encontrar paz no desconforto

Encontrando paz no desconforto: coisas que aprendo com a yoga em meio ao caos e a falta de controle sobre o que é impermanente. Mudança de Carreira e de país.

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